Production Processes
The fruit arrives fresh, directly from local producers' fields. The first check is done here, verifying that the truck arrives in the required conditions, and the quality of the fruit is optimal.
The pallets are entered into a chamber with an ambient temperature between 0°C and 8°C.
The product passes through a tunnel that takes it to a temperature of -18°C, working with freezing temperatures between -21°C and -25°C. The continuous tunnel's capacity is up to 2000 kg of frozen product per hour.
To homogenize the product's temperature, it enters a chamber maintained at -18°C, thus avoiding fruit breakage.
The good fruit is selected, eliminating any with defects. A second quality control separates the finished product from what is considered subproduct.
Each box is identified with labels that provide necessary information about the product, such as the type of fruit, production date, box code, etc.
It is checked that there is no metal presence within the packaged fruit or in the packaging material. The product that does not pass these controls will be set aside, reviewed, and tested again.